2017.8-至今 江南大学 云顶集团yd1233,副教授,硕士生导师
2008.7-2017.7 江南大学 云顶集团yd1233,讲师
2012.9-2013.9 美国代顿大学光电系 博士后
[1] Qiang Lu, Weihong Xu, Xiaoliang He, Zhilong Jiang,Hongyan Lu, Fan zhu,Cheng Liu,Shouyu Wang, and Yan Kong*, “Numerical simulation of defect influence on nanosecond laser manufacturing,” Internal Journal of Thermal Science 183, 107900(2023).
[2] Yunkai Duan, Weihong Xu, Xiaoliang He, Zhilong Jiang, Hongyan Lu, Song Zhang, Cheng Liu, Shouyu Wang, and Yan Kong*, “Study of the Tunneling Effect on the Performance of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells,” Journal of Electronic Materials 52: 3219-3227(2023).
[3] Xinzhi Zhang, Aihui Sun, Zhilong Jiang, Cheng Liu, Shouyu Wang, and Yan Kong*, “Introduction of non-symmetric inserts into a symmetric split-ring resonator: design of a bifunctional metasurface for linear polarization conversion and circular dichroism,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40(9): 2262-2272(2023).
[4] Qiang Lu, Fake Lu, Xiaoliang He, Zhilong Jiang, Hongyan Lu, Fan Zhu, Cheng Liu, Shouyu Wang, and Yan Kong*, “Laser-pulse-induced temperature, thermal stress, and crater morphology effect during multipulse nanosecond laser manufacturing,” Applied Optics 61, 2929(2022).
[5] Rong Lin, Fake Lu, Xiaoliang He, Zhilong Jiang, Cheng Liu, Shouyu Wang and Yan Kong*, “Multiple interference theoretical model for grapheme metamaterial-based tunable broadband terahertz linear polarization converter design and optimization,” Optics Express 29, 30357(2021).
[6] Rong Lin, Xiaoliang He, Zhilong Jiang, Cheng Liu, Shouyu Wang and Yan Kong*, “Dual-layer grapheme based tunable broadband terahertz absorber relying on the coexistence of hybridization and stacking effects,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physic54, 145108(2021).
[7] Yan Kong*, Jianjun Cao, Wenchao Qian Chen Liu and Shouyu Wang, “Multiple Fano Resonance based optical refractive index sensor composed of micro-cavity and micro-strucure,” IEEE Photonics Journal 10, 6804410(2018).
[8] Yan Kong*, Rong Lin, Wenchao Qian, Qi Wei, Cheng Liu, and Shouyu Wang*, “Active dual-wavelength optical switch based plasmonic demultiplexer using metal-Kerr nonlinear material-metal waveguide,” IEEE Photonics Journal 9, 4501908(2017).
[9] Qi Wei, Peng Qiu, Cheng Liu, Yan Kong*, and Shouyu Wang*, “Plasmonic interference-based refractive index sensor designed with spectral analysis and structure optimization,” Plasmonics 12, 913-919 (2017).
[10] Yan Kong*, Qi Wei, Cheng Liu and Shouyu Wang. Nanoscale temperature sensor based on Fano resonance in metal-insulator-metal Waveguide. Optics Communications 384:85-88(2017).
[11] Lilin Zhu, Yuanjie Li, Aihui Sun, Zhicheng Xiong, Cheng Liu, Yan Kong*, and Shouyu Wang*, "Active-polarization-controlled long-depth focus generated by orthogonal nanoslit array," Applied Physics Express9, 082201 (2016).
[12] Jian Ye, Yan Kong† and Cheng Liu. Plasmon coupling of magnetic resonances in an asymmetric gold semishell. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physcs 49: 205106(2016).
[13] Yan Kong*, Wei Quan, Qi Wei and Peng Qiu. Beam focusing and unidirectional excitation from four nanoslits filled with air and non-linear material. Journal of modern optics 63(10): 932-936(2016).
[14] Yan Kong*, Peng Qiu, Qi Wei, Wei Quan, Shouyu Wang and Weiying Qian. Refractive index and temperature nanosensor with plasmonic waveguide system. Optics Communications 371: 132-137(2016).
1. 江南大学自主科研重点项目 基于人工表面超材料结构的超透镜设计及其在成像与显示中的应用研究 2017.01-2019.12,80万元,结题,主持。
2. 江苏省自然基金青年基金,高灵敏度等离激元干涉传感器的研究,2013.7-2017.6,20万元,结题,主持。
3. 中央高校自主科研青年基金,基于光学超晶格的光偏振控制及其应用研究,2011.10-2013.10,8万,结题,主持。
4. 国家自然基金联合基金,基于数字全息分层成像的光学元件亚表面残余应力的三维测量技术研究,2018.1-2020.12,65万,结题,参与
5. 国家自然基金青年项目,基于波前传感的快速自动聚焦技术研究,2018.1-2020.12,22万元,结题,参与
1.教育部产学研合作协同育人项目 光谱检测综合实验实践基地建设 2022.10-2024.10,在研
2. 江南大学研究生教育教学改革研究与实践项目,光学工程专业研究生课程体系与人才培养模式研究,2017.1-2018.12,结题
1. 指导学生参赛队获得第十一届全国大学生光电设计竞赛东部赛区二等奖;
2. 指导学生参赛队获得第八届全国大学生物理实验竞赛一等奖;
3. 江苏省高校第十三届大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛优秀指导教师;